Monday, 16 December 2013

Day 13: Bake cookies for someone

My thirteenth task in the 30 days of kindness challenge was to bake cookies for someone.

I love baking! Unfortunately I don't do it as much as I used to because the kitchen in my new apartment is small.

The organizers of the bootcamp gave me a recipe I was supposed to bake, but being the rebel that I am, I decided to go with one of my own.

They are walnut, cranberry, sugar, cinnamon roll ups.

The recipient of my cookies was my friend Chris.

He is one of the first friends I made when I moved to Vancouver and over the past week or so he has particularly lended a friendly ear to me. So I figured this was the perfect way to thank him!

My stupid oven isn't "baking friendly"so he didn't get as many cookies as I had planned, but he still got a decent batch.

He said they were really good and seemed to appreciate the gesture :)

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